domingo, 17 de março de 2013

TEXTO 2: Moon Craters

Moon craters

   The moon has attracted man’s attention since the beginning of civilization. Ancient Greeks discovered the influence of the moon upon the tides. Poets have looked at the moon with romantic eyes. Space scientists have not only studied it with their telescopes, but have also sent astronauts there. Nobody has found out all the answers to the mysteries of the moon. The origin of the moon craters, for example, is still obscure.
   According to one theory, thousands of meteors have crashed against the surface of the moon. The impact of these crashes has formed the craters. They are pits and depressions on the lunar surface. They have many sizes and forms. Some scientists have tried to prove this theory with plaster. They have dropped objects into wet plaster, trying to reproduce the formation of craters. Unfortunately, they have not been successful.
      According to others theories, the craters have appeared because of eruptions either of gas or lava. English physicist Robert Hook said, “The craters are the solidified residues of enormous bubbles”.
      This dispute has not ended yet. It has been very difficult to prove these theories. Scientists have already progressed a lot, but poets can be glad – the moon is still a romantic mystery to man.

1 - Responda as perguntas abaixo

a) Uma teoria diz que milhares de meteoros trombaram na superfície da Lua e que o impacto dessas “trombadas” formou crateras. O que são essas crateras?

b) Por que alguns cientistas deixavam cair objetos em gesso úmido?

c) Quem descobriu a influencia da Lua sobre as marés?

d) A origem das crateras lunares está clara

e) O que a teoria de Robert Hook diz?

f) O que são as crateras na Lua?

g)As crateras possuem o mesmo tamanho e forma?

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