quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2012



The White man Drew a small circle in the sand and told the red man, “this is what indian knows”, and drawing a big circle around the small one, “This is what the white man knows.” The indian took the stick an drew an immense ring around both circles: “This is where the white man and the rest red man know nothing.”

Faça a tradução do texto e a escreva abaixo:

Responda de acordo com o texto. 
1.  The white man thought the man knew............................
a)   Very little.
b)   More than he did.
c)   Very much.
d)   Nothing.
e)   Everything.

2.    In “…and drawing a big circle around the small one.” The word one was used instead of ………………………………………….
a)    Man.
b)    Sand.
c)    Circle.
d)    Indian.
e)    White man.

3.    The red man’s answer showed he had more …………………….. than the white man.
a)    Knowledge.
b)    Land.
c)    Circles.
d)    Wisdom.
e)    Rings.

“…I can't win, I can't reign
I will never win this game without you

Without you
I am lost, I am vain
I will never be the same without you
Without you