terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2019



Turmas Matutino: 3M3 e 3M4.
Turmas Vespertino: 1V4 e 1V5.
Turmas Noturno: 2N1 e 3N1.

Link para o texto em PDF:

Nome: __________________________________________________________________

Turma: ________________________________     Data: ________________________

Dear Sarah:

          I’m Patricia and I’m 18 years old. There are six people in my family – my grandmother,
my father, my mother, my brother and my little sister. I’m very worried because my
grandmother is always telling me: ‘Stop studuing, get married, you’re old! Women shouldn’t
work outside their houses. They should stay home and take care of the children. Women are
responsible for the high divorce rates we’ve seen all days.’
          I don’t agree with her. I’m young. I want to get married, but I also want to have my
own job. I’m studying right now and I want to finish my course and have a job before getting
married. I’m confused. What should I do? Should I get married or should I finish college and
get a job?
                                                                                        Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                            Patricia Smith.
1. De acordo com a avó, quem é a responsável pelos divórcios?

2. O que Patrícia quer realmente fazer? Casar-se e depois terminar o curso ou terminar o
curso, arrumar um emprego e então casar-se?

3. Cite em Inglês e depois traduza, os membros da família que aparecem no texto:

4. Procure no texto outra palavra para designar ‘’grandma’’.

5. Escreva uma frase em q o verbo TO BE (am, is, are) seja usado como ‘’ser’’ e outra com o
significado de ‘’estar’’.

6. Complete o texto sobre Johannes com as formas corretas do verbo To be.

                  Hi. My name _____ Johannes. I _____ 27 years old. I ______ tall and of Japanese
descent. My family _____ not big. I have one brother only. His name ______ Paulo. We _____
best friends. My mother and my father _____ lawyers. They work every day. They want me to
be a lawyer, too, but I want to be a teacher. We have a cat. It _____ a Siamese cat. We _____a
very happy family.