quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2012

Verbo To Be



    1)    Preencha os espaços com a forma afirmativa do verbo to be:
   a)    He____________ in my house now.
   b)    They ____________ my friends from school.
   c)    I ____________a good student.
   d)    Beth ______ at home because she ________sick.
   e)    Fred and Lisa ___________ in the United States.
   f)     We ______________  Brazilian.
   g)    Melinda and I ___________ sisters.
   h)   You __________ not late for the bus.
   i)     I __________ at the supermarket.

   2)    Passe as frases abaixo para a forma negativa do verb to be e dê a tradução.
   a)    He is a singer: ____________________________
   b)    You are a good friend: ______________________
   c)    It is an orange: ___________________________
   d)    They are teachers: ________________________
   e)    Jane is well today: _________________________

   3)    Agora passe as frases para a forma interrogativa e dê tradução:
   a)    You are a teacher: ________________________
   b)    She is a secretary: ________________________
   c)    It is an orange: ___________________________
   d)    They are doctors: _________________________
   e)    We are good doctors: ______________________
    f)     You are well: ____________________________
   g)    He is late: _______________________________
   h)   John is in the house: _____________________